
Welcome to the new website for the Frank Norris Society. The society is currently in a state of transition, but is always open to new members (membership is currently free–see “Membership” page for more information). Also, please see our “Links” page to check out other Norris-related organizations. Be sure to check back here for information on CFP’s and other Norris and Naturalism news!

FNS Panels at ALA 2015

Most recently, the Frank Norris Society had another successful year at the 2015 American Literature Association’s Conference in Boston, sponsoring the following two panels:

Subversion, Gender, and Physicality in Norris, Dreiser, and London
Chair: Eric Carl Link, University of Memphis
1. “’Feasting & Starving with Frank Norris,” Lauren Navarro, LaGuardia Community College
2. “Nonhuman Animals and the Naturalist Brute Within,” Jane Van Slembrouck, Fordham University
3. “A Sapphist Precedent: Lesbian Characters in the Naturalist Tradition,” Kathryn Klein, Vanderbilt University
4. “Jack London, Boxing, & the Naturalist Exercise in Physical Fitness,” Cara Erdheim, Sacred Heart University

Frank Norris and American Literary Naturalism
Chair: Steven Frye, California State University Bakersfield
1. “’The Thing That Isn’t Meant to Be Seen’: Violence and/as Form in American Literary Naturalism,” Adam Wood, Salisbury University
2. “Rethinking Frank Norris’s Vital Materialism,” Brandon Carr, University of Illinois
3. “Frank Norris’s McTeague: A Precursor to the Revisionist Western,” Hannah Huber, University of South Carolina
4. “From Los Muertos to The Cabin in the Woods: Naturalism’s Frontier Anxiety and Monstrous Obsessions,” Nicole de Fee, Louisiana Tech University